Susan Feitoza

Blogger, mom and innovator

Mom of preemie twins and passionate about innovation in neonatal care. 

A native of Brooklyn, relocated to Spain many moons ago where her beautiful, intelligent twin boys were born. She anchors her life  with one part in Barcelona, another with family and friends in New York and Portland. 

Susan is an experienced, international “connector” with strong business development and management skills, always working on projects linking the US and Europe, with a focus on technology, innovation and entrepreneurship in the healthcare sector.  Susan is a proud  member of the first class of fellows in the Stanford affiliated Biodesign program in Spain MOEBIO Design Health Barcelona. She sits on the Innovation Council of the Insight Foresight Institute and regularly acts as an advisor and mentor to various healthcare start-ups and established SMEs. Susan is a graduate of Vassar College and SUNY Buffalo School of Law.


Susan and her twins Alex and Eric.

Susan and her twins Alex and Eric.